Freuquently Asked Questions
I created a user account before 07/2022 and cannot log in anymore?
- We switched to a new webshop software on July 1st, 2022 and did not import any of the old user accounts or order history. This means you will have to register for a new user account, sorry.
How can I see if an item is in stock or not?
All items that you are able to put in your shopping basket are in stock. If an item has run out of stock, this will be explicitly indicated and you will not be able to put it in your shopping basket. Our webshop doesn't do back-orders, but you can contact us at to receive a notification once a product is back in stock -
What is the expected lead time before you ship the products?
As the webshop is not operated full-time and not our main business, we typically prepare shipments once per week. So the typical maximum lead time until we ship your order is one week. You will receive a shipment notification e-mail once your order has been shipped. -
What is the expected delivery time?
From 07/2022 onwards, all our shipping is done via UPS. You can select the service (UPS Standard, UPS Expedited, UPS Express Saver) during the order checkout process, depending on your preferences. The lower-cost options (Standard, Expedited) are slightly slower t han the typically more expensive Express Saver. Given that we only ship 1-2 times per week, the delay between placing the order and us shipping the product is likely longer than the actual UPS delivery, so we suggest choosing the most economic UPS service option. I need a commercial invoice, how do I get one?
Your invoice will be generated automatically at the time your order ships. It will be included printed on paper together with the shipment (for customs purposes), and at the same time made available as PDF in your sysmocom web shop user account. Please refrain from sending us requests for an invoice before receiving your shipment confirmation, as it simply doesn't exist at that point yet.
Why am I not getting a quick response to my e-mail?
As indicated above, the webshop is not sysmocoms main business, and we only run it as a low-priority task with one part-time staff next to lots of other work. Therefore it is quite normal that you might not get a same-day response.Furthermore, please consider that we are located in Germany, which might be in a completely different timezone as yourself, and which has its own set of public holidays, etc.We respond to e-mail inquiries as quickly as possible. -
Do you offer other payment options
Unfortunately we cannot offer alternative payment methods beyond those offerted by our payment providers Paypal and stripe. We understand that this is not ideal for some of our customers, but we ask for your understanding. Once again, the webshop is not our main business, we are first and foremost a R&D company. -
My company requires a formal Quote / Order process
Please note that our low product prices are only valid for purchases made in the webshop, permitting us to efficiently process it.If you require a manual quote, PO, proforma invoice, etc., we will have to charge you for the additional overhead this causes on our side.Also, this process will introduce additional lead time, so please use the fully automatic webshop order process whenever possible. -
Can I reach you by phone?
Sorry, we are a small team, all engineers and no sales, and typically too busy to take phone calls regarding the webshop. If absolutely necessary, please describe in detail why a phone call is needed and we can arrange for a scheduled call by e-mail to -
I own a product bought in the shop and have a technical question
Many of our products are open hardware products and fully documented at their respective page, e.g. for the SIMtrace product. Please always check the project pages first, then attempt to contact the respective project mailing list.In case you are unable to resolve your technical question that way, please contact, which will create a support ticket. -
I cannot find the sysmoBTS, sysmoNITB, sysmoQMOD or sysmoOCTSIM products in the shop, and/or want to buy bulk volume
Please contact for products of our professional product line. -
Do you ship to $MY_COUNTRY?
Most likely: Yes. We generally ship to all countries unless it is not serviced by UPS or legally impossible because your country is subject to an embargo by Germany or the European Union.
However, please read the question below regarding customs fees and import into your country.
We can not ship to consumer customers in Austria as we are too small to have a packaging agent there.
We have seen a number of customers from Turkey, Brazil and India struggling with significant difficulties and/or cost getting our products imported to their countries! -
What about customs fees / import (only applicable for destinations outside of the European Union)?
sysmocom is a German company, and we are just the manufacturer and/or exporter of the product from Germany.
If you're asking us to ship products to a destination outside of the EU: The import of the product into your country (outside of the EU) is the sole responsibility of the buyer!
sysmocom provides a truthful commercial invoice alongside all shipments, indicating the product name, the HTS (customs) number and the country of origin for each product. Beyond that, sysmocom can and will not assist in the import process to the destination country, as we are unaware of the legal requirements regarding the import of our products, what kind of permits, licenses, conformity to standards, etc. might be required in the respective local jurisdiction.
Furthermore, for destinations outside the European Union, importing goods from Germany is most likely subject to processing by your local customs office. The customs office may charge you applicable import tariffs, import VAT and/or other fees. Payment of such fees is the responsibility of the importer (that means you, if you order from our webshop or any other shop abroad).
So if you're planning to import sysmocom products into your country, please make sure to be familiar with all applicable local legal requirements (such as import licenses, etc.) before placing the order, and make sure you are able to fulfill them.