This is a PCB antenna which can be soldered as SMT part on your custom circuit board.824 .. 960 MHz; 1710 - 1990 MHz50 Ohms impedance37.59 x 11.94 x 1.57 mmThis small embedded
antenna provides the most
reliable easy-to-use, and
adjustment-free antenna
technology for handling
during assembly and
implementation by
developers.Minimum or no matching
circuits required.Bandwidth and performance
is dependent on ground
plane size. Suggested
minimum ground plane
length from the antenna
feed is 100 mm.PCB ground is to be on top
layer.Product Homepage:
The CXL 2400-1/… is a 0 dBd, vertically polarized, omnidirectional
rod-type base station and marine antenna for the 2400 MHz band.
The 1” revolving nut mounting system is standard throughout the
marine sector, and several different mounting brackets are available,
making it possible to install the antenna either on the masthead using
FLG or SMR 2, side-mounted on the mast (SMR 1) or mounted on a
cross-beam (FLG). Also, the antenna can be mounted on deck or rooftop by
means of the FLG.
The higher the antenna is mounted, the better coverage. Avoid
mounting the antenna parallel to or in the neighbourhood of other metal
parts, such as masts, supporting wires etc., otherwise the VSWR and the
radiation pattern may be strongly influenced.
A conical glass fibre tube completely encloses the carefully
designed radiating element to ensure long dependable service in all
This is the Fernvale MT6260 [Reverse] Engieneering Development Kit DVT2, as described by the following external resources:in the project wikiin the 31C3 talk by bunnie+xobs (video)bunnies initial blog postxobs initial blog postBasically you will get the DVT2 hardware version, consisting of:One Fernvale "Frond" mainboardOne Fernvale "Spore" Analog Frontend boardOne Fernvale "Blade" Keypad/Expansion/Breakout boardOne Camera-to-JTAG FPC adapter cable (soldering of ARM-20-JTAG header required)One matching LCD display with touch sensormounting accessories/screws/nuts to assemble the full stackPlease
keep in mind that this is an early access DVT2 version, and that
absolutely no software or documentation is included. This part is for
embedded hardware and system-level software [reverse] engineers who know
what they're doing.sysmocom cannot provide any level of
support for this product. You are on your own based on hardware,
schematics, the fernly/nuttx source code and the project forum. Yo have
been warned!To avoid confusion: OsmocomBB has not been ported to the MT6260, but you are welcome to volunteer!Happy hacking!
Marine GNSS (includes GPS) antenna with 3m coaxial cable and N male connector.Intended to be mounted on top of a threaded water pipe (as mast) on boats.Bandwidth10 MHzNoise Figure2 dB typ.Supply Volage2.3 .. 5.5 V DCCurrent Consumption6.6 mA @ 2.5V; 8.6mA @ 3V; 16.6mA @ 5VImpedance50 OhmsGainAt 90dev vertical to sky 30 +/- 5 dBi
Quadruple-Band base station and marine antenna – four bands with only one antenna.
Covering both GSM/NMT-900, DCS-1800/PCN (GSM 900/1800) PCS-1900 and UMTS.
Particularly suitable for use with triple-band mobile phones.
Unity gain on all bands.
Simple mounting using the 1” revolving nut system.
Wide variety of accessory mounting brackets available.Homepage:
Vertically polarized, omnidirectional base station and marine antenna.
Approximately 6 dBd gain.
Simple mounting using the 1" revolving nut system.
Wide variety of accessory mounting brackets available.
Highly suitable for duplex operation with large spacing between the Tx and the Rx frequencies.
The antenna element is sealed in a high-quality, conical glass fibre tube.
All metal parts in the antenna are DC-grounded to reduce the noise
caused by atmospherical discharge. Consequently, the antenna shows a
DC-short across the coaxial cable.
The CXL 5200-6 is a vibration-proof, lightweight, slim-line, corrosion resistant, modern style base station and marine antenna.
Industrial RJ45 receptacle, achieves IP67 ingress protection when used with matching CONEC plug.This unit item does not include the dust cap. If you need the dust cap, please see this other item.